It’s been a few years between drinks, but The Delta Riggs are gearing up to release their fourth album in the not-too-distant future.
Known for their huge sound, wild live shows, and for putting 200% into everything they do, the Aussie heroes have now returned with their newest single, ‘Don’t You Frown’.
A soaring indie-rock number, the tune’s wholesome, hopeful nature sees the group continuing their reputation as one of the greatest groups on the scene today.
As lead vocalist Elliott Hammond explains, the tune written from a posthumous perspective and “based off a scary experience I had from the effects of touring and living too fast.”
“The fright exposed an urge in me to express my love and appreciation for friends and family and to let them know that I would be sad to look down on them and see people frowning and not moving on with their lives.”
“It’s more a song of celebration over a macabre or melancholic context.”
Now, to celebrate the release of the video for ‘Don’t You Frown’, The Delta Riggs have been kind enough to give some exclusive insight into the clip, complete with behind-the-scenes snaps and a first-person account of its production, courtesy of Hammond himself.
Check out the clip below, and read on to learn more about the behind-the-scenes process for The Delta Riggs’ ‘Don’t You Frown’.
Check out The Delta Riggs’ Don’t You Frown’:

Behind the scenes with The Delta Riggs
Jesse [Pattinson, guitarist] basically put together the treatment for this video. The idea was to expose some really ‘wanky’ elements of making a music video combined with who we are most of the time which is normal civilians, friends and brothers who play music together.
It ties in with many themes on our new record and was shot over two days, the first being shot on the street, us basically going to Chinatown for a meal which is not uncommon. The majority of our meals together are generally Asian.
The second at the Pastel Fury HQ where we shot the performance element and mime etc. We brought in one of my best friends – Nicholas Futcher – and his working partner – Charlie Ford (Pastel Fury) – to complete the vision as they have some actual knowledge of how to make a music video.
The combination of creatives on the day was super exciting and it was a very light hearted shoot even though the song focus’s on some very real issues being written from the point of my dead self reaching out to my friends and family.
The element of the mime was an idea Nick and I came up with to portray a visual representation of this barrier we all live with. The real self and the online presence. Carlos Walters who plays the mime and is in fact a photographer and friend who was there just to shoot stills but got stitched up into this role ended up actually nailing it.
To me the blank expression and curious contained nature is a perfect example of someone looking back at us through a screen under the guise of a ‘connection’. – Elliott Hammond

This shot actually sums up a lot. Carlos The Mime is sitting between us filtering static through a TV. We are close together but far apart, while white noise constantly emits. Modern pressure.

Like I said Carlos turned up under the impression he was shooting stills. Only to be redressed and made up as a mime. Which he nailed.
He only got paid for the photos though, ha. Two interesting things about Carlos: 1) He is incredibly handsome and lovely person. 2) He once turned down a pint at the Rails in Byron Bay and I’ve always held it against him.

Jesse wrote the original treatment for this video and was pretty hands on on the day working with the director, Charlie Ford. He also took the cake later on for hilarious outfits and facial expressions as you can see at the climax of the video where he is dressed as some sort of Versace Cowpoke.
We had to stop shooting constantly because nobody could keep a straight face around him.

Believe it or not we had totally forgotten about a drummer for the video. (this is The Delta Riggs, you gotta remember). Drums in the studio are done mainly by me or occasionally Rudy and we have different drummers live, currently Emanual Bourakis, but he was in Melbourne at the time.
Jackson the DP to the right of this shot suggested Tash (second from left) who we all knew from SHE REX and we were like yeah call her. She turned up an hour later and learnt the song straight away. Full pro. Great girl. Check out her jewellery line.

Lotte Gerber doing Carlos up as the mime. Lotte was trying to be respectful to Carlos and asked if he would like to do his own makeup (assuming he was a professional mime) Carlos explained that he was in fact a photographer in a mime’s outfit (aren’t we all?) and business continued as usual.

Here Monte does his sexy face while stealing one of my moves. Typical.

Changing shoes and looking scared I guess.

This is Rudy’s signature look. classic, refined. timeless, lanky alien.

Shot of the Action stick.

Even the best guitarists get tired.

As I said Jesse was very involved in this music video as it was his original treatment. Here he is watching some playback.

Rudy is very lazy by nature if he isn’t needed he is usually sleeping or sitting on the floor. Unless there is a casino or open bar with smoking area and miraculously he can stay awake for weeks.
Much to the displeasure of the director and film crew who got over this joke very quickly. Jesse and I throughout the whole day were insisting on saying action and cut.
Sometimes in the right moment, usually though at a really bad moment which would make things difficult for everyone. For example if Jesse said action and the scene would commence I would yell cut two seconds in. For no reason. Like I said it was a very annoying (and hilarious) joke.
This is us performing the joke in a photo.