During a recent public appearance, Ed O’Brien expressed uncertainty about Radiohead’s future, saying there is ‘no Radiohead at the moment’.

It’s been a hot minute since we’ve seen new music from Radiohead. The band’s last album was released in 2016, while the last time we saw them tour was in 2018. As the world is opening up and tours back on track, Ed O’Brien is not so sure about the band’s future.

During a recent public appearance on The Line-Up Podcast, O’Brien was uncertain about what lay ahead for Radiohead when asked whether the members had any plans together. He, in fact, claimed that ‘there is no Radiohead at the moment’.

“It might happen, but the other thing is…it might not. And does that matter?” he wondered.

O’Brien went on to insist that Radiohead would not make music or tour for the sake of it. Rather than being ‘one of those bands that gets together for the big payday,’ he stressed it had to be a mutual desire among all the members.

“The thing with Radiohead, we could do something in a couple of years. We might not. But I think what it has to be, it has to be five people going, ‘I really want to do this again with you.'” he said.

O’Brien also added that having experiences separate from the band was not only a personal urge, but also necessary for the members. While he has a solo album lined up for this year, Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood teamed up Tom Skinner for an album.

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O’Brien was all for the band expanding and exploring new avenues: “And I think at the moment, because we’ve done it for so long, we’re all reaching out and having different experiences. And that should be allowed, and that should be encouraged.”

Don’t, however, hold your breath for new music from Radiohead anytime soon.

“We love one another. We’re brothers. We probably will play together. It could be that it doesn’t happen. I’m sure it will do. I’m almost certain that it will do. But you’ve got to also be able to be fine with it not happening again,” he added.

You can read more about this topic over at the Classic Rock Observer.

Check out ‘Brasil’ by Ed O’Brien:

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