Good news for you Ed Sheeran fans out there – the singer has confirmed whispers that he already has another album ready to go despite only releasing his latest record at the end of last month.

Speaking to Jordan and Perri on KISS Breakfast, Sheeran confirmed what his manager revealed a few weeks back, saying, “[The album] is not called Minus but it’s gonna come uh – It depends how well Equals goes to be honest. ‘Cause if Equals bombs then you know, the next one will come quite quickly.”

He continued, “Equals was meant to be the finale. I’d basically made two records over the last four years and Equals was gonna be the finale and, in all honestly, it got to January. England looked a bit bleak. So, I was gonna put out the other record. And then as I was sort of preparing that, England starts opening up. The Euros start happening. Bars are opening. Gigs are happening. It’s summer. And I had ‘Bad Habits’.

“And I was like this song exists in the summer and this summer exists in a world where England’s opening up and people are feeling happy again. So, I just switched them around.”

Ed also revealed that he had so much content that he was forced to cut down songs from the album.

“I created it for vinyl. The album originally was like 16, 17 songs and they said ‘It’s gonna have to be a double vinyl if you do that. But if you cut off three, two or three songs, you can have it as one vinyl.'”

“I listen to a lot of vinyl at home. And I love getting to the end of one side and flipping it and having the other side and then flipping it back. I love the no skip policy. There’s no skipping on a vinyl. This is on cassette as well – there’s no skip on cassette.

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“I would love, if you’re gonna listen to it for the first time, listen to it in full, even if it’s on streaming. Just listen to it in full. No skips. No shuffle. Just take it in once and then and then do what you want.”

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Watch ‘Bad Habits’ by Ed Sheeran:

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