Elton John has related to Britney Spears in a candid interview and said he hopes that their new release ‘Hold Me Closer’ will be a stepping stone in restoring her confidence.

The song is Britney’s first release since 2016 (aside from ‘Matches’, her 2020 song with Backstreet Boys) and is a mix between his 1971 hit Tiny Dancer with his 1992 song The One and parts of 1976′s Don’t Go Breaking My Heart.

In an interview with The Guardian, Elton John spoke about the turmoil Britney has experienced in regards to her conservatorship which was recently terminated.

“It’s hard when you’re young. Britney was broken. I was broken when I got sober. I was in a terrible place.

“I’ve been through that broken feeling and it’s horrible, and, luckily enough, I’ve been sober for 32 years and it’s the happiest I’ve ever been.

“Now, I’ve got the experience to be able to advise people and help them because I don’t want to see any artists in a dark place.

“A lot of artists, you’d think they’d have a lot of self-esteem, but they don’t, and that’s why we go on stage and we get the applause, and then we come off stage and we’re back to square one.”

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The ‘Tiny Dancer’ musician also opened up about the process of Britney approving ‘Hold Me Closer’.

 “She’s been away so long – there’s a lot of fear there, because she’s been betrayed so many times and she hasn’t really been in the public eye officially for so long.

“We’ve been holding her hand through the whole process, reassuring her that everything’s gonna be all right.”

In an official statement about the release of ‘Hold Me Closer’, Britney said “I was so honoured when the incredible Sir Elton John asked me to join him on one his most iconic songs.

“We are so excited for the fans to hear it! Thank you, Elton, for having me! I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to work with you and your legendary mind.”

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