Despite having only briefly toured with the Foo Fighters for two years, and having never played a note on any of their albums, Franz Stahl figured what the world needed was his half-baked and tasteless thoughts on Chris Cornell’s suicide.
Stahl posted his missive on Facebook, before thinking better and deleting it. The internet is forever, however. Check out his post, below. All typos (and anger) his own.
Wow…I find it very sad as a father to see all these sad eulogies for your fallen kept rockstars where the real sadness is what so selfishly was left behind…his children. They are forever now without a father…a pillar of love…safety…strength…guidance.
You wanna off yourself cause your incapacitated or brain dead shitting yourself and a burden to everyone so be it. But just think of your kids and how fucked it all will be now. Now I loved Soundgarden…but Audiosoave was fucking lamesville…but does all that really matter to his kids?
They just wanted to see your face when you got home…to hear your feel your hugs…to barrow the fucking car to go to In and Out Burger. Thanks Dad…
If you or someone you are worried about is having suicidal thoughts, please contact Lifeline Australia – 13 11 14 – Crisis Support and Suicide Prevention. There is help available, and you are not alone in this.