Hi. I’m Christopher Laurence – writer, guitarist & vocalist for House of Laurence. After harpooning the best musicians I could find through the calve and dragging them into the studio, we’ve brought to life some kind of psychedelic musical octopus which resides at the bottom of a rainwater filled art deco ashtray.
The band formed in late 2012 and we’re about to launch our debut EP on May 10th at The Workers Club in Fitzroy, Melbourne. House is Laurence is me (guitar & vox), Kristian Laemmle-Ruff (guitar & vox), Sam Teskey (bass) and Liam Gough (drums).
You guys have just released your debut EP titled ‘House Of Laurence’, what made you decide to go with your first release being self-titled?
No idea. I figure you can really only have a self-titled release once so why not come out with it off the bat I guess.
Where, when and with whom did you record your EP with?
The EP was recorded at Sky Tailor Studios which is owned by our bass player and is located in the beautiful north-eastern township of Warrandyte which has a rowdy population of 5,520 and an elevation of a mere 113m. We recorded & engineered the EP ourselves and it was produced by myself.
What’s your earliest memory of performing and who inspired you to start?
Watching the live Jazz. I grew up living next door to the Melbourne Jazz festival when it used to be held at Montsalvat artist colony in Eltham, Vitoria and after jumping the fence every year and watching some of the worlds best jazz musicians, I was totally entranced by music and it’s effect on me and the people around me. Watching people transcend into bliss as a direct result of the music & performance was the most inspiring thing ever.
You must answer this question honestly, so don’t be ashamed. What and where was the first gig you went to?
New Kids on the Block at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne. I wouldn’t have been taller than an upright esky.
‘Fess up. What records have you stolen from your parent’s record collection and why?
All of them. Seriously. My listening habits and musical tastes today are a direct result of the records they bought which I now possess. Everything from Hendrix to Coltrane to Aretha Franklin… I had a solid education in blues, RnB, jazz and rock n roll. The only record that I couldn’t take was Dad’s copy of Mile Davis Bitches Brew. I tried everything to get that record from him bar stealing it… bribes, moving the lawn, getting angry… nothing worked.
What other local bands are House Of Laurence listening to right now?
Chris – MSO
Kristian – The Teleskey Brothers
Sam – The Baker Boys
Liam – St Johns Ambulance Big Band
Do you have any particular ritual before you go on stage, or even a lucky charm you take with you?
No. Well actually, I always drink two straight whiskies beforehand and we generally plead with Sam to wear shoes on stage for once.
If you could curate your own festival, where would it be, who would be on the bill, how many people would you let in and what features would it have?
I’d simply resurrect all the deceased artists that performed at Woodstock, invite back the still living ones and hold the event again. Maybe minus the hectic lighting & rainstorms and lack of food but still keep the bad acid rife and the love free. Oh and I’d probably ducktape Joe Cocker to a pole.
If you could make a record with any producer or musician in the world, who would you choose?
Gustav Ejstes, no doubt.
What is your band’s music the best soundtrack for?
The Tapiers scene on disc 2 chapter 4 ‘Plant Predators’ of David Attenborough’s series ‘The life on Mammals’.
Tell us why we shouldn’t miss your EP launch at The Workers Club on the 10th May?
Because it’ll just be one big party. We’ve got a great venue, get support acts, great live visual projectionist, great big 12” vinyl records for you to get and we’ve had such incredible support from everyone involved and we want you to be a part of it.