Foals are set to make 2019 their year, outlining plans to release two new records over the coming months.

Back in 2015, Foals released What Went Down, their fourth record, and one of their most successful to date. Following countless shows around the world, the band revealed in 2017 that they were planning to start recording their next album.

In early 2018 though, the group announced that founding bassist Walter Gervers had parted ways with the group, leaving them seeking a replacement. Now, it seems as though they’ve found one, recently announcing the release of two new albums.

Announced via Twitter, Foals revealed that Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost – Part 1 will be unleashed on March 8th, while Part 2 will be released in Autumn (that’s Spring for us southern hemisphere-dwellers).

Now, the band have gone one better, releasing the video for ‘Exits’, their first piece of new music in almost four years.

Directed by Albert Moya and starring Christa Théret (Renoir) and Isaac Hempstead Wright (Game Of Thrones), the clip is a lot to take in, but manages to accompany their latest single brilliantly.

In a recent interview with NME, Foals discussed the content of the two albums, noting that while they’re both connected, it’s more so in terms of lyrics rather than anything else.

“The lyrical threads are through both records,” explained frontman Yannis Philippakis. “It’s not yin and yang or anything corny like that. You can also tell that it’s a band working in the same space over the same period of time.”

“If you were to put it crudely, the first record is probably more keyboard-driven and has slightly more of a new wave feel to it. Then album two has more of the heavier rock frenetic energy. “

“The tracks work together, added drummer Jack Bevan. “There are a lot of pairings on both records, and little groups of tracks that are friends to each other.”

Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost – Part 1 is due out on March 8th, check out the album’s artwork and tracklist below.

Check out Foals’ ‘Exits’:

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Foals – Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost – Part 1

Image of the artwork to Foals' new album, 'Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost – Part 1'


1. ‘Moonlight’
2. ‘Exits’
3. ‘White Onions’
4. ‘In Degrees’
5. ‘Syrups’
6. ‘On The Luna’
7. ‘Cafe D’Athens’
8. ‘Surf Pt.1’
9. ‘Sunday’
10. ‘I’m Done With The World (& It’s Done With Me)’

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