You’ve been in one of rock’s biggest bands, and you’ve got a rather respectable amount of music to your name, both released and unreleased, so what do you do next? Well, if you’re Gene Simmons, the answer is to release a box set full of these tunes, and slap an eye-watering price tag on it.
As Pitchfork have reported, KISS’ Gene Simmons has announced The Vault, a 10-disc set containing over 150 unreleased songs, a Gene Simmons action figure (sans makeup), a photo book bound in leather, and a few other goodies. Oh, and did we mention that the whole thing comes in a safe and will set you back $2,000 USD?
Gene Simmons is also set to embark upon a world tour of sorts in January, which will see him actually hand-deliver these vaults to eager fans. Simmons is set to reach Australia on January 27th and 28th, when he touches down in Sydney.
The price tag entitles you and a friend to meet and greet the rocker, see Simmons perform “an intimate Songs & Stories playback session”, complete with a Q&A session, and you’ll also get the chance to take photos and videos. Of course, this doesn’t mean you’ll have to wait until January to experience everything, because you’re also set to receive a t-shirt, signed golden ticket, a laminate, and a USB copy of The Vault beforehand.
But just in case you’re a KISS fan with way too much money, there’s also a few other options to choose from. If you’re eager to drop $50,000 USD on the ‘Home Experience’, well then you’ll be able to shock your neighbours when Gene Simmons actually comes to your house to deliver The Vault (but only if you live in the continental US, sadly.)
Of if you’re in the market for something a little cheaper, Gene Simmons is also selling the $25,000 USD ‘Producer Experience’, which will allow you to have some studio time with Gene as you listen to the set, in addition to having your name listed as an Executive Producer in the credits.
There’s no word yet as to whether Gene Simmons might be releasing this set in a more manageable format, or whether there will be any cheaper options for the average fan, but we certainly have to admire his dedication in this endeavour.
Check out the website for more information, and take a look at Simmons’ promotional video below.