Introducing Tone Deaf Tastemakers: Share your opinions on new music for rewards Have you got an impeccable music taste? Then we're looking for people just like you to join the 'Tone Deaf Tastemakers'!
Red Hot Chili Peppers’ John Frusciante to release new solo album ‘Maya’ Red Hot Chili Peppers' John Frusciante has announced the release of his first full-length electronic album in six years, titled 'Maya'.
Get to know: World-beating Aussie producer GEM If you're across the world of electronic music, then the chances are good that GEM is already one of your favourite Aussie artists.
Spotlight Artist: Tasmanian Aboriginal artist DENNI on advocating for social change Releasing 'Runaways', Tasmanian Aboriginal indie-pop, hip-hop fusion artist DENNI boasts being an advocate for social change.
Support local musicians during lockdown with these community radio picks SYN FM's Sally Lewis contributes with a list of local tracks from community radio you should be streaming in these difficult times.
Confidence Man are back with a bang with new single ‘First Class Bitch’ Confidence Man are back with First Class Bitch and it's the sort of energetic electro-pop that we've come to expect from them.
Jägermeister launches limited-edition bottle to #SAVETHENIGHT For the first time in Jägermeister history the label of the liqueur bottle has been changed for the #SAVETHENIGHT Limited Edition Bottle.
Get To Know: Meg Hitchcock and her shimmering, debut single ‘Hello Moon’ Indie-electronic-pop fusion singer-songwriter Meg Hitchcock has debuted her first single, 'Hello Moon', and it's time you got to know her.