A Gen Z singer-songwriter inspired by the Romantic and Impressionist movements? That’ll get your attention. 

A true bedroom pop artist, Strawberry Guy has enjoyed a surreal and meteoric rise from crafting music alone in his Liverpool home to becoming an unlikely viral hit on TikTok.

The Welsh-born star – real name Alex Stephens – creates romantic ballads cocooned in layers of gentle psychedelia.

His debut album, Sun Outside My Window, comes out this Friday, October 29th. Strawberry Guy took his time perfecting it, writing and recording the album over the space of two years.

“It’s about seeing the simple things in life and them making you happy,” he revealed. “I remember this day when I was really down… looking out the window, the sun beaming in was beautiful, it made me want to go outside – it was simple but made me so happy in that instance.”

Inspired by composers of the Romantic period and classical artists of the 1800s, the album blends lush arrangements with vulnerable lyrics; filled with improvised piano melodies and swooning violin effects, this is bedroom pop with a refined sensibility.

Ahead of the album’s release, we caught up with Strawberry Guy as part of our popular Get To Know series to find out more about his music and life.

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How did your artist name come about?

Well, I was good friends with Ste and Audun from the band hers. We were walking back home from a festival once and started discussing favourite non alcoholic drinks, to which I stated was strawberry milkshake.

Audun responded to me saying ‘oh you’re a strawberry guy!’, which I thought had a bit of a ring to it. It was only inevitable that when I started releasing my music it would be under that name really!

How would you describe your music to your grandma?

Secular haha. Soft and gentle, emotional but uplifting. An ethereal mix of orchestral instruments and piano. 

Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re about?

Give me a minute just gonna dig into my soul and find the answers for you…well, ‘Company’ is quite literally about the idea of company, being dependant on it, and me learning that I can love my own company!

‘Sun Outside My Window’ is about the simple pleasures, how mother nature can heal a wounded soul.

‘Mrs Magic’ is an interesting one – I tried magic mushrooms a while ago and hated it! It was like I’d forgotten who I was and what to do or how to act. I was in my own flat having no sense of home at all, hence the chorus lyrics, ‘I don’t know what I’m doing here’.

What do you love about your hometown?

I love the friendliness of Liverpudlians, most are generally quite chirpy and chatty! I also love how small the music scene is in a way. Everyone knows each other pretty much and a lot of people play in each others bands which is really nice. 

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Career highlight so far?

Ooh, either when ‘Mrs Magic’ got in the Spotify streaming charts, that was quite amazing and hard to believe at the time, or playing a sold out show in Manchester, that night felt really special to me. I’d never sold out a show before!

Fave non-music hobby?

Chess and board games. I definitely have a bit of nerd in me, I love it. 

What’s on your dream rider?

Some lovely IPA’s, Koka Kanu coconut rum and diet coke, tiger bloomer and humous, fruit straight from the garden of eden, Rudy’s pizza, magnetic chess board, crispy creme doughnuts, and an orchestra.

Dream music collaboration?

Me and Brian Wilson compose the score for Pixar’s new animation film. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Still writing songs! Forever and ever. Maybe even scoring for some films, I would really love to do that. 

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

‘This Must Be the Place’ by Talking Heads, or ‘Just a Gigolo’ by Louis Prima.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

If it ain’t alright, it ain’t the end yet.

What’s one obsession you have that no one would guess after listening to your music?

Love me a bit of Animal Crossing to be honest, my island isn’t half bad. I love how meditative the game is, it’s about taking your time, and is incredibly relaxing. Rather like my music?

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