Grinspoon have detailed life on the road in a new interview ahead of an extensive upcoming Australian tour.

Between September and December, the evergreen Aussie rock outfit will perform everywhere from Brisbane to Gladstone, Sydney to Tamworth, stopping at most towns and cities you can think of in Australia in-between.

With up to five shows a week for 12 weeks, it’s going to be a gruelling experience for Grinspoon, but one they’ll definitely still treasure.

In a new interview with Rolling Stone AU/NZ, Grinspoon members Phil Jamieson and Kris Hopes discussed their plans for the tour.

“We actually tried to play more shows on this tour, and due to logistics and venue availability and some venues not having noise restrictions, we couldn’t actually do it,” Jamieson revealed.

As for the set list, Jamieson said, “There’s a fair bit of strategy behind the songs you pick and the songs you play each night, making sure that there’s enough peaks, valleys, troughs — lots of troughs ­— so we can actually deliver a gig every night that is close to a hundred percent if we can.”

When Jamieson discussed the possibility of doing a “whole solo set” in order to give his bandmates a break, Hopes said, “That sounds good, man… I reckon it takes a good week for a set to settle in, so I reckon we’ll find our feet.”

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Grinspoon’s upcoming tour is not one to be missed, with Tone Deaf praising the band’s Forum show last December.

“They are like an old friend, always there when you most need it, with the ability to give you a sweaty, fun and enjoyable night of Aussie hard rock with nostalgic hits. Let’s hope it’s a service they can still provide for many years to come,” we wrote.

Grinspoon are hitting the road in support of their new album, Whatever, Whatever, which came out today, August 9th. It’s their first album in 12 years.

“It’s a mixed candy box of favourites,” Jamieson told Rolling Stone AU/NZ. “There’s a little bit of hardcore on this record, a little bit of punk, some emotional stuff with ‘Underground’ and ‘4, 5 & 7’. So yeah, there’s something for everyone.”

Grinspoon’s Whatever, Whatever is out August 9th.

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