A guitar made out of 1,000 aluminium cans certainly isn’t YouTuber Burls Art’s first DIY creative musical instrument but it’s arguably his most impressive to date.

The YouTuber, named Burls, has made a guitar out of newspaper, one out of lego and another our of coloured pencils. Over the past few years he’s made a name for himself for building working guitars out of unlikely objects and has racked up over 600,000 followers on the video platform.

In a video released last week, Burls talks viewers through the process, saying it took three months from start to finish to build the guitar, but over a year to collect all the cans required.

“I’ve been collecting cans from BBQs, dinners and camping trips for over a year. So, it’s safe to say that between my friends and I, we’ve been hard at work on this project for a long time.”

Burls said that although he has a lot of experience with constructing guitars, building one from cans was particularly dangerous in comparison.

“I’ve made plenty of guitars out of weird materials, but this project required a pretty extensive amount of research to even attempt.” he said in the video.

He added, “Working with propane furnaces and molten metal that can get above 1,800°F can get really dangerous really fast, so I’ve taken safety precautions very seriously for this project.”

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“This was easily my most time-intensive project yet, and overall I’m really happy with how it turned out,” Burls Art says. “When I initially thought of this idea, I didn’t know whether or not it would be possible, but after about three months of work, I can now say that it is, indeed, possible to build a guitar out of 1,000 aluminium cans.”

Watch Burls build a guitar from 1000 aluminium cans:

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