Hey (den), that’s my name. Spelt ‘Hayden’. I’m a 22 year old singer/songwriter/producer from Melbourne. Some people refer to me as a loop crooner, as that’s pretty much what you’ll see live. Various instruments being built up for a huge explosion at the end. I’ve been in and out of bands for years but I’ve finally found my feet doing the solo thing. Mind you, I really want to get some people behind me at some point. It can get a bit lonely on a stage sometimes.
I’ve been called the love child of James Blake and Bon Iver, but I like to think I just sound like Hayden Calnin. Although, if James Blake and Justin Vernon did conceive me, then that’d be alright too. If you’re into progressive folk then have a listen!
What’s your earliest memory of performing and who inspired you to start?
Paul Kelly. He is a genius songwriter, and I feel, like myself, he writes about honest things and brings them to the stage. My earliest memory of performing is when I was about 7 and my mate and I wrote a song about ‘Hubba Bubba’ chewing gum and sang it to our mothers. Memories…
You must answer this question honestly or we steal your rider. What and where was the first gig you went to?
My first gig was an H.I.M concert (metal as!) I used to listen to them everyday. Mind you, nowadays, haven’t listened to them in about 3 years. I remember it being the most mind blowing thing I’ve ever been to. Caught the train from Melbourne to Sydney just to go see it.
‘Fess up. What records have you stolen from your parent’s record collection and why?
My uncle’s band’s CD. It’s just an EP but they were called ‘The Silent Reach’ and they were the best band going ‘round in the 90’s. I can’t confess to any more or my Mum will ask for them back.
What’s on heavy rotation on your iPod right now?
A lot of Bloc Party in preparation for their new album coming out AND heaps of a young 18 year old muso from Geelong called Leaks. He is insane. Also, a lot of Low’s new album C’mon! It’s the best thing I’ve heard in a while.
How do you find new music?
I go to a lot of shows and have a lot of music appreciative friends which handball me the goods. It helps being surrounded by a lot of musical friends.
Do you have any particular ritual before you go on stage, or even a lucky charm you take with you?
I sink a whisky and chain smoke cigarettes before performing. It’s a bad habit, but I feel it makes me more relaxed and makes me perform about 10 times better.
If you could curate your own festival, where would it be, who would be on the bill, how many people would you let in and what features would it have?
Too easy.
Location: Red Hill, Mornington Peninsula
Bands: James Blake, Bloc Party, Leaks, Seekae, S. Carey, Sleep Decade, Low, The Frames, Frightened Rabbit and Jack White.
Capacity: 12. Private shows are the best. I guess that’s not enough to be considered a festival though, so I’ll say 500, tops.
Crash at my parents’ house as 1) it’s rad and 2) they wouldn’t really mind and 3) it’s free.
I’m gonna make this happen. It’ll be called ‘Party On A Hill Would You Like To Come?’
When you’re Rolling Stones Big, what are you going to request on your rider: don’t be shy. We want specifics!
A bottle of Jameson, a slab of Asahi, and tuna sandwiches. I’ve thought about this way too often.
Because it’s more fun to do things together, which living Australian artist would you most like to collaborate with? Tell us why?
Ummmm, Paul Kelly! Enough said.
What is your band’s music the best soundtrack for?
Anything by David Lynch, or David Attinborough. Or Gus Van Sant.
Where we can see you play next, what releases do you have available and where can we get them? [Feel include links, dates, album titles etc.]
I’m currently finishing up my debut EP City due for release in mid 2012. For a sneaky listen to my current track at radio, ‘Summer’, head to my triple j Unearthed page. Or you can check out a live video of the track on YouTube.
Next show is at the Workers Club, 22nd of April, for my last show of my residency there! From there I’m heading up to Brisbane and down the coast through Sydney and Melbourne opening for Gossling on her ‘Intentional Living’ tour at the end of this month. Then I’ve got the Melbourne opening slots at the Forum for Matt Corby’s Winter Tour in early June. They’re all going to be awesome shows! For any more info check my Facebook or website.