For a band as idiosyncratic as Sydney’s hardcore lot SPEED, they were always likely to secure some impressive support acts for their Australian tour. Meet High Vis, a London hardcore band who incorporate elements of punk, Britpop, indie, post-rock, and even baggy into their furious sound.

Hailed as offering a “distinctly British vision of hardcore” by The Guardian, High Vis will back up their Aussie counterparts in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne (twice), Adelaide, and Perth this August and September (see full SPEED tour dates below).

Before that, High Vis treated fans to a new single this week, “Mob DLA”, which also doubles as the first taste of a new album slated for release later this year.

“Mob DLA” has an important meaning behind it, according to the band’s vocalist Graham Sayle.

“The years upon years of public service cuts have had a devastating human effect on communities in the UK,” he says. “People are forced to justify their need for assistance, made to endure dehumanising tests in order to monitor their eligibility for support for often lifelong disabilities.

“Marginalised communities are left to fend for themselves then vilified in targeted media smear campaigns. This is all happening in the shadow of ever-increasing bonuses and salaries for the political and industrial elite and their friends.

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“I have seen this in my own family,” Sayle adds. “The stress and anxiety of people simply trying to find space in a world which increasingly feels designed against them is palpable. And through it all, I’ve seen the power of community action in the face of sustained neglect.”

You couldn’t find better band bedfellows than High Vis and SPEED. “Mob DLA” follows the band’s 2023 single “Forgot to Grow”, while they last released an album, Blending, in 2022.

While High Vis are preparing for the release of their follow-up to Blending, SPEED have their debut album ready to go. ONLY ONE MODE will arrive on July 12th, promising to showcase why SPEED have become the most discussed Australian hardcore band in recent years.

High Vis’ “Mob DLA” is out now.

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SPEED 2024 Australian Tour

With High Vis, Pain of Truth, Fuse + special guests tbc

Tickets available here

Thursday, August 22nd
Princess Theatre, Brisbane, QLD

Friday, August 23rd
Enmore Theatre, Sydney, NSW

Thursday, August 29th
Stay Gold, Melbourne, VIC

Friday, August 30th
Northcote Theatre, Melbourne, VIC

Saturday, August 31st
Unibar Outdoors, Adelaide, SA

Sunday, September 1st
Magnet House, Perth, WA

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