Jamie Lynn Spears has officially spoken out publicly for the first time on her sister’s conservatorship. She also addressed why this is the first time that she has made a statement throughout the entire ordeal.

As reported by Billboard, Spears began, “I felt like until my sister could speak for herself and say what she felt she needed to say publicly, it wasn’t my place and it wasn’t the right thing to do. But now that she’s very clearly spoken and said what she needed to say, I feel like I can follow her lead and say what I feel I need to say.”

“I think it’s extremely clear that since the day I was born that I’ve only loved adored and supported my sister. This is my freakin’ big sister before any of this bullshit.”

Spears added that obviously, the most important thing to her is the happiness of her big sister. She said, “I don’t care if she wants to run away to the rainforest and have a zillion babies in the middle of nowhere, or if she wants to come back and dominate the world the way she has so many times before. I have nothing to gain or lose either way. This situation does not affect me either way because I am only her sister who is only concerned about her happiness.”

Spears also goes on to address the fact that just because she hasn’t publicly supported her sister on social media, doesn’t mean she hasn’t been supporting her all along the way.

She continued, “I’ve made a very conscious choice in my life to only participate in her life as her sister. Maybe I didn’t support her the way the public would like me to with a hashtag on a public platform. But I can assure I have supported my sister long before there was a hashtag, and I’ll support her long after. Note that.

Britney Spears recently addressed the court with a very emotional statement, revealing the many moments of torment she’s faced.

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