Because the internet is a weird and wonderful place, it has blessed us with an unmissable mash-up of America’s newest president-elect Joe Biden ‘singing’ Metallica’s ‘King Nothing’. While this may seem extremely bizarre (which it is), quite frankly, it’s damn hilarious and what some may even dub genius.

The impressive compilation comes from YouTube user Lars Von Retriever, and this ain’t his first rodeo when it comes to political rock creations. He has made somewhat of a name for himself by releasing a ‘series’ of videos. Our favourites are the ones that he takes Donald Trump’s speeches and splices them as though the president is singing everything from Acca Dacca to Iron Maiden.

Biden’s debut on Lars Von Retriever’s channel is nothing short of impressive. The video dubs the future president as Joe ‘Iron’ Biden before ever so slightly tweaking his closing line from the Minnesota rally. He changes “Honk if you want American’s to trust each other again,” to “Honk your horn if you want America to be metal again.” LOL.

The video continues on with shots of Trump looking devastated and many clips of Biden pretty much yelling out short spats of words from his political speeches which fit the lyrics to ‘King Nothing’.

Unsurprisingly the video has taken the internet by storm and already racked up 22K views in 16 hours.

The lyrics of  ‘King Nothing’ describe a person who really wanted to be king and once they were everything in their world came crashing down. Whether or not this is an intended hidden message that Lars Von Retriever is projecting about Biden’s reign is yet to be determined.

However, it’s unlikely as, according to his YouTube about page, Lars von Retriever really doesn’t seem too bothered about politics, and just wants to have some fun with one of the most controversial topics in, well, the world.

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“Iconic metal and rock songs. 100 percent real Trump voice. I don’t care about politics, just passionate about good music. So don’t take these vids too seriously, folks! Make The World Metal Again!” reads his bio.

Don’t miss out on the awesome video below, and show any of your friends who are having a shitty day.

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