Kacey Musgraves has claimed her Twitter account was hacked after apparently throwing her support behind a controversial and degrading Tweet about Taylor Swift.

In today’s technologically-advanced age, it’s surprisingly-common to see big names in the entertainment world having their social media accounts compromised.

Why, we recently saw Michael Bublé fall victim to the practice, while Thelma Plum, Tame Impala, and Bob Dylan have all had their Twitter accounts hacked, with the latter’s being used to announce Britney Spears’ death.

However, it appears as though Kacey Musgraves has become the latest person to be targeted, with the musician claiming her account was hacked recently. But for what reason? To wreak havoc? Spread rumours? Well, it seems that the purpose was to simply support a controversial Tweet.

Check out the Tweets in question:

Taking to Twitter on Saturday, Kid Rock shared his controversial opinion that “Taylor Swift wants to be a democrat because she wants to be in movies….period..

“And it looks like she will suck the door knob off Hollyweird to get there,” he added. “Oldest move in the book. Good luck girl.”

While this Tweet was already disgusting enough, fans were soon divided when it was claimed that the Grammy Award-winning Kacey Musgraves had thrown her support behind Kid Rock’s post, with a photo of her liking the Tweet surfacing online.

Soon, Musgraves took to Twitter to claim that she had in fact been “hacked”, and that the photo her liking the Tweet was actually Photoshopped.

“Last week I was dragged because of how liberal I am and anyone that knows me knows how outspoken I am about equality & respect,” Musgraves wrote in a post that was since liked by Taylor Swift.

“I’ve connected with Taylor – she knows this is NOT how I feel and we are cool.

“That was a manipulated image, (I don’t even follow Kid Rock), and I would NEVERRR support any message promoting such disgusting misogyny.”

Undoubtedly, some fans soon felt as though history was repeating, considering Kacey Musgraves had recently copped criticism for liking a post by Scooter Braun’s wife about Taylor Swift. Others though felt the story was a little fishy, with some noting her explanations of being and the image being doctored didn’t line up.

Thankfully, Musgraves since took to Twitter to answer this question in a response to a fan, noting she believed she had been hacked until learning of the Photoshopped image.

Whatever the case, this is a prime example of the strange world we now live in thanks to social media and technology.

Check out ‘High Horse’ by Kacey Musgraves:

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