Killswitch Engage frontman Jesse Leach has been pretty busy touring and promoting the band’s latest record Atonement. Still, Leach has found time for The Weapon – his punk group, formed in 2017.

In amongst all the Killswitch business, Leach let fans know this week that the debut album from The Weapon is almost wrapped up, meaning there could very well be some new music from Leach and crew coming soon.

The Weapon – ‘At What Cost’

“This band is the real deal,” Leach posted to Instagram.

“[It] will definitely scratch your itch if you dig fist raising protest anthems! Stay tuned.”

Along with his work with The Weapon and Killswitch, Leach has been keeping busy with Times Of Grace – his other side project with Killswitch bandmate Adam Dutkiewicz and drummer Dan Glusza.

During an interview earlier this year, Dutkiewicz alluded to a potential EP release coming from the band sooner rather than later, with his efforts focused on the project when not on the road with Killswitch.

“My plan for the rest of the year, when I’m not touring, is to be working exclusively on the Times Of Grace stuff now the Killswitch one’s done.” he said.

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