Lady Gaga is the latest celebrity to wade into the public discussion surrounding the killing of African American man George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Gaga has written a considered plea for all Americans to show support to the black community at this time.

“Everyday people in America are racist. That’s a fact,” writes Gaga. It doesn’t take long before she draws a link to the sitting President. “We have known for a long time that President Trump has failed. He holds the most powerful office in the world, yet offers nothing but ignorance and prejudice while black lives continue to be taken.”

Trump has been fanning the flames of outrage with his tweeted responses to the developing protests around the USA. One tweet was even censored by Twitter for glorifying violence. “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” wrote Trump. Twitter’s moderators hid the tweet behind a warning, which explains that while it “violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence,” it still remains accessible because “it may be in the public’s interest.”

For Gaga, none of this comes as a surprise. “We have known [Trump] is a fool, and a racist, since he took office,” she writes. “He is fueling a system that is already rooted in racism, and racist activity, and we can all see what is happening.” She pauses for a second, before adding, “It’s time for a change.”

She moves on from dissing the President in the final page of her statement. “We MUST show our love for the black community,” she goes on to say. “As a white, privileged woman, I take an oath to stand by that. We haven’t, as a privileged community, done enough to fight racism and stand up for those people who are being killed by it.”

Floyd died on Monday, May 25th after Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd’s neck for more than eight minutes. Chauvin was later arrested and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. A wave of incendiary protests have kicked off around the USA in the wake of the incident, which is the latest in a long line of African American deaths at the hands of police officers.

Check out ‘Shallow’ by Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper:

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