Footage has emerged of security at the Perth instalment of Listen Out, which took place at HBF Arena in Jonndalup over the weekend, struggling to contain swarms of fence jumpers who rushed the festival’s perimeter fence and gatecrashed the event.
As Tone Deaf reported this morning, police attended the venue after gatecrashers overwhelmed security and three people were reportedly arrested following altercations with officers. Sadly, it’s not the first time that Listen Out has been forced to deal with fence-jumpers.
As Tone Deaf reported this time last year — in a repeat of events that ensued the previous year — a number of would-be punters were caught on camera attempting to break through a wire fence at Perth’s Ozone Reserve.
As footage at the time showed, after breaking through a wire fence, the gatecrashers were forced to run back and scramble when they hit a second fence, right as a car of police officers arrived.
In 2014, a 29-year-old security guard was left with a ruptured spleen and suffered internal bleeding after he was trampled over by a horde of gatecrashers who rushed the fence during the Sydney leg of Listen Out.