A match made in heaven. Two peas in a pod. Peanut butter and a stick of celery… These are the thoughts that coursed through our brains when we read creative polymath Marilyn Manson and Stephen King are collaborating.
Marilyn Manson let the news slip nonchalantly (as he does) in a recent interview with Revolver when he said he was involved with CBS All Access’ forthcoming miniseries adaptation of Stephen King’s The Stand.
“Shooter [Jennings, artist and actor] and I did a cover of ‘The End’ by the Doors for a new miniseries of The Stand by Stephen King,” he said, “which I’m also going to be acting in.”
Marilyn Manson is no rookie when it comes to the silver screen. His rather overlooked acting career includes a starring role in the new HBO series The New Pope, an appearance as a porn actor in David Lynch’s Lost Highway, ‘The Stranger’ in Jawbreaker, and appearances in Sons Of Anarchy, Californication, and the 2017 crime film, Let Me Make You A Martyr.
While details are scarce about his exact acting involvement (CoS thinks he’d make a great Monster Shouter), much of the cast has been announced.
The cast for the 10 episode, limited-series run includes: James Marsden as Stu Redman, Amber Heard as Nadine Cross, Whoopi Goldberg as Mother Abigail, Greg Kinnear as Glen Bateman, Odessa Young as Frannie Goldsmith, and Henry Zaga as Nick Andros.
The Stand, originally released as a novel in 1978, is one of Stephen King’s most iconic storylines – and his most verbose, coming in at 1,100 pages. The book was adapted for a TV series in the ’90s, but constrained production failed to do the story justice.
Stephen King’s website describes the story: “One man escapes from a biological weapon facility after an accident, carrying with him the deadly virus known as Captain Tripps, a rapidly mutating flu that – in the ensuing weeks – wipes out most of the world’s population. In the aftermath, survivors choose between following an elderly black woman to Boulder or the dark man, Randall Flagg, who has set up his command post in Las Vegas. The two factions prepare for a confrontation between the forces of good and evil.”
The show’s showrunner Josh Boone is currently amidst pre-production.