Neil Young is gearing up to release his first album with Crazy Horse in seven years next week, and to celebrate, he’s released the trailer for a new documentary called Mountaintop.

Back in August, Neil Young announced to his eager fan that he would be releasing a brand new album in October. However, while he’s spent the last few years either going it alone or with Promise Of The Real, this new record is set to feature some familiar faces, with Crazy Horse saddling up to be Young’s backing band for the first time since 2012.

Titled Colorado, Young explained that the album would contain “10 new songs ranging from around 3 minutes to over 13 minutes”, and would be released on streaming services, CD, and a double vinyl edition, which will also feature a bonus 7″ with a couple of non-album tracks.

To make things more exciting though, the veteran rocker revealed that there would be an accompanying documentary released alongside the film, with the tentatively-titled Mountaintop Sessions hitting theatres the same week as the album.

“It is a wild one folks, no holds barred,” Young explained. “You will see the whole process just as it went down! Worts [sic] and all! I don’t think a film about this subject with the openness and intensity we have captured has ever been seen.”

Check out a trailer for Mountaintop:

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Now, fans have been given a preview of the new doco, with a trailer for the newly-titled Mountaintop being released over the weekend.

Showing Neil Young and his talented bandmates hard at work, the documentary takes a fly on the wall approach to the recording sessions, allowing fans to witness everything that went into the record’s composition, from demo performances, studio banter, and everything in between.

Described as “a raw and extremely unfiltered look at the process of Neil Young with Crazy Horse making their 1st album in 7 years,” Mountaintop is set to be released in theatres across North America next week, and in Europe and South America from November.

No word at this stage whether it’ll be making its way down to Australia, but we’ll keep you posted.

Check out ‘Rainbow Of Colors’ by Neil Young With Crazy Horse:

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