In an alternate universe, we would all be settling in this weekend with our favourite beverages and our favourite people to watch another year of mental Eurovision entertainment. Sadly, that, like almost everything else, is not to be.

Here in this universe, however, all is not lost. Netflix has pulled it out of the bag by teaming up Will Ferrell, Rachel McAdams, Pierce Brosnan, Demi Lovato, and Dan Stevens for a new film called Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga. If it’s anything as deranged as its source material – and here’s hoping it is – we could be onto a winner.

In the film, Ferrell and McAdams play real-life Eurovision song contestants Lars and Sigrit from Iceland who are given the opportunity to live out their dreams and perform as Fire Saga on the world stage. Yes. YES. YES!

The film won’t be on our screens until late next month but rumour has it that Ferrell and McAdams are going to be making a surprise appearance in SBS’ Eurovision 2020: Big Night In show this evening. Eyes peeled, it’s not one you want to miss.

The performance follows Ferrell’s recent appearance on The Graham Norton Show in the UK where he discussed the project.

ARTISTA records are going to be releasing the official soundtrack to the film which features original songs by Swedish songwriter Max Martin – the man behind a ridiculous amount of pop hits including Britney Spears’ ‘…One More Time’ and The Backstreet Boys’ ‘I Want It That Way’.

Although Australia is, you know, nowhere near Europe, that hasn’t stopped us before. Never ones to let a little thing like the physical limits of geography get in the way, Aussies have been belting it out on the Eurovision stage since 2015, much to the annoyance of other nations.

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