Ever wondered how much a tweet from a celebrity rock star is worth? Well, now we can put some sort of figure on it because Courtney Love is about to settle out of court for the hefty sum of $430,000 for a twitter rant against fashion designer Dawn Simorangkir. Love had launched the tirade over a disputed $4,000 clothing bill. The Hole singer’s rant included such gems as calling the celebrity fashion designer an “asswipe nasty lying hosebag thief” and “she has received a VAST amount of money from me over 40,000 dollars and I do not make people famous and get raped TOO!”
Love’s invective will see her pay dearly, and no doubt a much heftier sum than she’s receive in royalties for Hole’s last dud of an album. “The amount of the settlement says it all,” Simorangkir’s lawyer Bryan Freedman said. “Her reprehensible defamatory comments were completely false and $430,000 is quite a significant way to say I am sorry. One would hope that, given this disaster, restraint of pen, tongue and tweet would guide Ms. Love’s future conduct.”
Love’s lawyer James Janowitz was relieved at the settlement because he reckons Simorangkir asked for much more. “Because of the extended payout it’s a modest settlement,” ha says. “They got out with an amount that left them bragging rights but nothing else.” Asked whether Love was continuing to use Twitter, he said “I don’t think she’s using it any more, but I could be wrong.”