Narara Music Festival holds a special place in the annals of Australian live music history. It’s one of our homeland’s original mega-festivals, occupying the same space as events like the Sunbury Pop Festival.
Narara has a shorter tenure than Sunbury, only being held in 1983 and 1984, but the lineups were far from underwhelming, boasting the likes of INXS, Men At Work, Cold Chisel, and The Angels. And that was just the first year.
Narara, which it bears noting was not actually held in the Central Coast town of Narara but in the nearby town of Somersby, hasn’t been held since 1984, but one intrepid Aussie promoter is looking to bring it back.
Adrian Buckley, whom you may remember as the bloke who questioned why triple j was providing support to monolithic festivals like Splendour In The Grass, is working to bring Narara Music Festival back for 2017.
“We’re stoked to announce we have exactly one year to put together our incarnation of Narara Music Festival at the beautiful Forest of Tranquility in Ourimbah on the Central Coast of NSW,” Buckley writes on Facebook.
“There’s much to do, many more announcements to come, but we’re going to put together a magical mix of Rock, Blues, & Psychedelia in an incredible setting.” Indeed, Buckley insists the lineup will be “just Rock & Blues“.
“We can’t wait to hear reworkings of two original Narara songs from each of our 2017 bands and we’ll update our Facebook page with more details regarding applications in the next few months,” Buckley continues.
Buckley also promises “fantastic licensed bar and quality food trucks for all kinds of tastes” and an environment that aims to “capture the essence of the old school festival”. Oh, and “you can leave your yoga mat at home”.