Sydney is gaining a great venue rather than losing one with the return of The Lady Hampshire this weekend.
The Camperdown venue is returning in style with a packed two-day program, including Darcy Lane, Mac the Knife (DJ set), Juno and more. There will also be a tattoo pop-up and free nail art on offer to keep attendees happy.
The weekend is headlined by two of Australia’s finest young bands: punk rockers FANGZ and indie rock favourites Pacific Avenue.
That got us thinking – why not get both bands to get to know each other a bit better before Lady Hampshire’s Weekender kicks off? You can read their hilarious discussion below, which t0ok everything from Prince to ridiculous riders to buddy cop films.
Find out more about Lady Hampshire’s Weekender here.

Part 1 – Pacific Avenue interview FANGZ
Name the song that best describes your band?
“When Doves Cry” – Prince. “Why do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like when doves cry.” It’s pretty self-explanatory.
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Cats or dogs?
We do not discriminate; we welcome all furries to participate in our punk rock extravaganza. Category is Canine and Kitty-Kat Couture.
What’s your dream show/festival?
Our dream is to play at a festival like Good Things. Something that is heavily skewed towards the alternative, punk rock, heavy metal crowd. A place for all of us weirdos to congregate, belong and discover new music together. Chuck us on when doors open so we can play sober and then watch all the bands wasted.
Funniest memory as a band?
Every day we are afforded the opportunity to keep playing music is hilarious. The funniest moment was recently when we supported FIDLAR, and Josh thought he was helping by loading out their backline. However, he was just unloading their empty cases. “This Ampeg is so light, or am I just getting stronger?”
If you all lived together, what would we find in your fridge?
Vodka, Solo, and chicken wings.
On a scale of 1-10 how good would you rate your music?
9.5 because only Private Function are a 10. PF Still on top.
If you were to get the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, what would be your headline?
“Sydney Band Survives Horrific Waterpark Accident.”
What’s your 10-year goal?
To survive. Especially if there’s a waterpark accident.
Who would be your dream collaboration?
Honestly, I would smash doing something with DZ Deathrays. They’re just that one Aussie guitar band that seems so sincere in what they do. Their music keeps getting better, and every time they release something new, I’m like, “they’ve done it again!”
Do you fold or scrunch your toilet paper?
Fold, then scrunch.
If you could choose one trend in music to never exist, what would it be?
I don’t have one. Let it all exist! Even if it’s cringe, someone likes it. That’s what we’re counting on.
If you could go back in time to look around, when/where would it be?
1974 wherever Iggy Pop is.

Part 2 – FANGZ interview Pacific Avenue
What are your most ridiculous rider requests for The Lady Hampshire? Whatever you answer, we will mirror and submit it to the venue.
1x case of local beer
1x case of cider
10x water bottles
1x bottle of fireball
1x apple juice
5x cups
1x box of lemon ginger tea
1x Manuka honey
1x lemon
1x member of staff to perform Beatles impression
1x hand-written joke
1x smoke machine
1x disco ball
1x bunch of flowers
1x hand-drawn directions to the nearest Vietnamese / pho restaurant in the style of a treasure map
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Liam Gallagher.
Describe the kind of person that would like your band?
Anyone that’s just looking for a good night out that wants to go to a show, something you can go out to and jump around and have a bit of fun with. We’re also great for a night in.
Can you be more Pacific?
You can always be more pacific, but like anything, it needs to come in moderation.
What’s the number one attraction in Gerringong?
The winery is great. Also, the actual Pacific Avenue, it’s the street that runs along the beach, and the view from the point is just lovely.
What’s your favourite buddy cop film?
The Departed is a great cop flick.
Beatles or Stones?
How much thought did you put into the questions you asked us?
There’s a whole lot of passion in the questions. There’s no point doing them if you’re heart and soul aren’t in it.
Plug your next show, I guess?
After this Sydney show, we’re heading over to the UK to play some shows after the album release in May, which we’re really excited about. It’s going to be our first time doing our own shows over there that aren’t supports, so it’s going to be fun playing the small noisy clubs to people that have never seen us.