Phantom Planet have been edging their way back into the spotlight after a seven year hiatus with new music.

The crew behind ‘California’ (or, Califorrrniaaaahhhhh, if you’re so inclined) dropped their first post-hiatus single back in May with ‘BALISONG’ and this week, they’ve followed it up with ‘Party Animal’.

The song thunders along, a heavy hit of indie that shows the band may have been away for a long while there, but they’ve not lost any vim in their time off.

Listen to ‘Party Animal’:

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Songwriter Alex Greenwald recalled a bizarre experience in Brazil that gave him the idea for the track.

“Once, I found myself walking on a deserted street in Brazil, dressed in a leopard print shirt and zebra striped pants.” he remembered. “It was a hot day and I was sweating. A photographer for a fashion label was taking pictures of me. All of a sudden I heard words in my head — as if the sky had whispered them just to me — it said: ‘Remember you are part animal, part party animal.’ I couldn’t stop laughing. Maybe we should all remember we’re a little bit of both.”

2019 marks Phantom Planet’s 25th anniversary and in making their return, the group has been working on their fifth studio album.

Watch Japanese Wallpaper cover ‘California’ for Like A Version:

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