If you’re in the mood for a new anthem to help get you through to the end of the year, look no further than ‘Short Term Memory Loss’, the latest single from New York-based outfit Kid Le Chat.

It’s not very often that a band is able to start the story of their formation at a Brazilian microbrewery, but then again, there really aren’t that many groups like Kid Le Chat. With the seeds of inspiration being sewn amongst the sound of heavy machinery, David Wilson and Brazilian born New Yorker Leo Moretti (that is, the brother of The Strokes’ drummer Fabrizio Moretti) soon began exploring a raft of electro/acoustic sounds that would become synonymous with their work.

Teaming up with bassist Michael Sue-Poi and drummer Sam Ubl back in New York, the Kid Le Chat lineup was complete, and the nascent group shared a pair of releases between 2017 and 2018. Now, after two years, they’re back and eager to release their brand new EP.

The first taste of this EP is ‘Short Term Memory Loss’, which was initially released by the group back in October, and features a mesmerising mix of electronic soundscape, distorted guitars, and unmistakably catchy vocals that leave you unable to forget them even hours later.

“We wrote this song on the subway going into Manhattan and there was a brief blackout of the train’s lights somewhere under the Hudson River,” the group explained. “It didn’t last long but long enough to give us a quick scare.

“I guess the song is about the sense of not knowing where you are even if you think you’re heading somewhere.”

Now, Kid Le Chat have taken the track to the next level, offering up a music video for ‘Short Term Memory Loss’ which, on paper, looks almost inexplicable, but manages to effortlessly capture the energy and vibe of the song itself.

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Featuring the directorial talents of Annoni Mous, the track mixes live performance footage filmed by Fred Siewert, and graphics from Leo Moretti to – much like the song itself – take you on a journey of sorts, even though you might not know exactly where you are along the way.

Equal parts mesmerising and disorientating, ‘Short Term Memory’ loss and its accompanying video provide a solid example of what is still to come from the great Kid Le Chat. While it remains to be seen just when their next EP is set to arrive, at least we’ve got a stunning song and an intoxicating music video to help us pass the time.

Check out ‘Short Term Memory Loss’ by Kid Le Chat:

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