Barely two weeks after the announcement of their forthcoming second album, Tired Lion have shared the clip for their latest single, ‘Lie To Me’.

Earlier this month, fans of blistering Aussie rock received the news that Perth rock outfit Tired Lion were back with a new record. Titled Breakfast For Pathetics, the album is the group’s first since 2017, and follows on from a few years of change for the group, including the departure of their co-founding guitarist.

Set for release on November 20th, the record came alongside new single ‘Lie To Me’, which showcases the signature Tired Lion sound, and evidently landed upon highly-receptive ears during their last stint on the road.

“When we road tested it live on the last tour, the response we got afterwards definitely influenced the decision to record it and put it on the new record,” explained guitarist and vocalist Sophie Hopes.

Now, the killer track has received a suitable visual accompaniment, with Tired Lion offering a somewhat nostalgic music video to go alongside the tune.

In much the same way that Hopes listed the likes of Archers of Loaf, Pixies, and Pavement as influences on the new album, the clip features something of a hazy ’90s vibe, and presents itself as a classic video from the grunge era that would’ve been a fixture of MTV back in the day, complete with images of a famous actor’s eye plastered over the wall.

“When you’re low on budget it’s time to get creative,” Hopes explained. “Here’s how we turned Leonardo DiCaprio’s eye into a film clip for ‘Lie To Me’.

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“Stoked to have worked with such a dream team on this clip & with director Michael Sloane from “Last Dino’s” fame.

“We filmed the clip in my rental & I had a rent inspection the next day. They didn’t suspect a thing, thank god. We had a lot of fun on set & now I have a very extensive collection of blue eye posters that I need to offload.”

If you’re liking what you’re hearing (and well, seeing), then it might be a good idea to mark November 20th in your diary as the date on which you can pick up Tired Lion’s new album. Check out the clip for ‘Lie To Me’ below, and pre-order your copy of Breakfast For Pathetics now.

Check out ‘Lie To Me’ by Tired Lion:

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