Part-time musician, part-time adventurer, full-time funny guy Jeremy Neale has finally released his debut EP and put simply, it’s a joy to listen to.
What’s more impressive is that he crowd-funded the EP through Pozible, smashing through his $5000 target to earn almost $6000 to complete the recording and production of the record – a real reflection not only on his quality of music and the way he’s used social media to build a solid fanbase, but of supporters of Australian music and their loyalty.
Containing six tracks, the Brisbanite has created over the past year or so, which on the surface are light-hearted, fun and danceable.
Neale has the rare ability to create near-perfect pop music, but place evocative and almost dark lyrics over the top.
It takes a few listens to properly appreciate what’s going on throughout the record – but once you start to really think about the lyrics each song becomes its own involved narrative.
The EP’s title track is the most upbeat number and features welcome additions from Brisbane girl band Go Violets. Originally written to suit a “60s girl band”, Neale has created beautiful harmonies for the girls.
Even more sombre tracks ‘Swing Left’ and ‘Lone Tiger’ which cover experiences such as some of Neale’s nightmares and “the need to be awake and present in a relationship”, have supremely catchy and fun choruses that won’t leave your head in a hurry.
Neale’s comprehensive knowledge of creating music is obvious through the EP, and if this is just the start of what he’ll do, it’s going to be an extremely exciting adventure for him.