Robert Smith recently jumped on an interview with Zane Lone on Apple Music 1, to chat on a few things including new music and his collaboration with CHVRCHES.

While he spoke on the CHVRCHES song on which he features, ‘How Not To Drown’, Smith also went on to elaborate on why The Cure hasn’t released a new album and why he’s been flying solo.

As reported by Stereogum, he said, “The reason I was doing something on my own was for exactly the same reason I was doing collaborations; I’ve always wanted to do an hour’s worth of noise, and I didn’t want it… The Cure, you wait 10 years and then we bring out an album that’s just noise.”

Smith added, “So it was just like, ‘No’. That was me doing the rest of the band. That ‘no’ was a band no. So I’ve been just having fun with that really.”

But just before you lose all hope, we’re all just going to have to sit tight, because while he’s been working solo and getting creative with other artists, it doesn’t mean that new music from The Cure isn’t actually coming.

In actual fact, it sounds like it’s coming sooner, rather than later.

Smith said, “Probably in about six weeks time I’ll be able to say when everything’s coming out and what we’re doing next year and everything.” He continued, “We were doing two albums and one of them’s very, very doom and gloom and the other one isn’t.”

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The most exciting part? Smith says they’re about done. “And they’re both very close to being done. I just have to decide who’s going to mix them. That’s really all I’ve got left to do.”

For more on this topic, follow the Classic Rock Observer.

Listen to ‘How Not To Drown’ by CHRCHES and Robert Smith.

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