When your previous single racked up over five million streams, the pressure’s really on. It’s lucky, then, that Say True God? is fully on form on new song ‘Underdog’, another powerful anthem from the Brisbane artist. 

Born and raised in the Queensland city, the rising rapper’s music proudly celebrates his Tongan, Aboriginal, and Māori heritage; his diverse background even inspired his artist name (see below).

On ‘Underdog’, he also pays respect to another love, boxing, by namedropping several of the sport’s brightest names. Atop the electrifying production, Say True God? performs passionately and confidently, and it’s easy to imagine it one day being used as a boxing ring walk song.

‘Underdog’ is the follow-up to the massively successful ‘Wicked’, which went hugely viral online after its release earlier this year. “Been hearing a lot about STG and seeing the streaming numbers skyrocket, can definitely see why. No small feat making a beat this simple hit so hard,” as triple j noted at the time.

With such fiery flow and strong beats, it’s clear why Say True God? is swiftly making waves in Brisbane and beyond. To mark the release of ‘Underdog’, we caught up with the rapper as part of our Get To Know series to find out more about his life and music.

Say True God?’s ‘Underdog’ is out now.

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How did your artist name come about?

My artist name comes from a black feller saying when someone is telling a story and you would say, say true god?” And the person would saytruegod!“ as a way of making sure what’s said is the truth.

How would you describe your music to your grandma?

My great grandmother raised me. If she was still here, I know my music would bring tears to her – just seeing her great grandson making something of himself and for our people.

Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re about?

‘Unfazed’ – my first track – it’s pretty much my imprint of who I am and what I stand for.

‘Downfall’ – it’s a bit like ‘Unfazed’ but comes from a darker place.

‘Wicked’ – a remix I did of a JMB Juvie original. It’s pretty much stating where I’m at now and my upbringing.

What do you love about your hometown?

The community, there’s a lot of youth here. I used to run a community event for the area where we would put on a feed, haircuts, even boxing drills for the community to come down. I just love seeing youth grow watching elders tell stories, watch families come together and laugh.

Career highlight so far?

Bringing my wifey and daughter to every gig – having them backstage cheering me on and waiting for me is definitely something money can’t buy. I’m yet to bring my sons with me as well so that’ll be another highlight.

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Fave non-music hobby?

Boxing and gym, for the mental.

Dream music collaboration?

J.Cole hands down.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Living off our land.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

Salt N Pepa – ‘Shoop’

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Believe in yourself.

What’s one obsession you have that no one would guess after listening to your music?

Peanut butter and honey, mix it together and pig out on that. Or just food in general – literally most of my money goes on food. My misso and me love trying new places. I’ll probably become a food critic in the future!

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