Imagine a world where Slipknot somehow veered into pop-punk territory – think eyeliner, lip rings, the whole shebang.

Now, one fan on Youtube called SugarpillCovers has given us a pretty good idea of what that could be like with their rendition of ‘Sulfur’.

A description of the surprising mash-up reads:

“It was 2008, Slipknot had yet to begin work on their follow up to Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses). Corey turned to Clown and said, ‘Yo Joe, this metal shtick sucks. Let’s eat some pizza and think about how we can change our sound.’ Corey then added, ‘Ya know, my parents just don’t understand’. Clown thought about this for awhile, and decided that he too, agreed – his parents didn’t understand either.

It continued, “To cut a long story short, they worked on a pop-punk album for the better part of 2 years, but eventually shelved it. This is the only remaining song from what was later dubbed as the ‘before I forget (my stuffed crust) sessions.’”

It’s not the only time the masked rockers have been given a pop-punk makeover – last year saw Real Friends pay homage to ‘Duality’ as part of Rock Sound’s Worship and Tributes, Vol. II collection.

In other Slipknot news, frontman Corey Taylor has been speaking out about how much he has enjoyed recording solo music – while slipping in that some of his Slipknot brethren can be “fucking miserable” to work with.

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“It was so enjoyable and so positive that it really kind of set the tone for me as like, ‘You know what? This is the only way I want to make music from now on. I don’t want to waste my time with people who are fucking miserable anymore.”

Corey added, “I want to make music with people who are as stoked as I am about what we get to do for our lives, and yeah, that really pulled great energy out of it.’”

Check out if Slipknot were a pop-punk band:

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