One of the worst kept secrets in town has been confirmed – The Cure are set to play to super special shows at the Vivid Live festival in Sydney later this month. After internet message boards buzzed with gossip and radio program teasing ensued from festival curator, Modular Records head honcho and discharged bankrupt Steven ‘Pav’ Pavlovic, the Sydney Morning Herald has confirmed the rumours!
In two nights at the Sydney Opera House, entitled Reflections, the UK goth icons will recast the misery of many a formerly bedroom bound teenage depressive by playing three of their most loved albums in full. The band, comprising the iconic line up of guitarist and vocalist Robert ‘Fat Bob’ Smith, bassist Simon Gallup and drummer Jason Cooper will play their seminal 1979 debut Three Imaginary Boys.
If fans weren’t already frothing at the mouth at the prospect of seeing that, they’ll then be joined by Smith’s whipping boy of legend, original drummer Laurence ‘Lol’ Tolhurst, for performances of the similarly iconic albums Seventeen Seconds and Faith. Tolhurst will perform keyboards and percussion. This is set to send ticket sale sites in to meltdown when details are announced soon!
Alas, Cure fans, at this stage Tone Deaf won’t be covering any Vivid Live shows but we’ll let you know if we hear otherwise.