The Game has opened up about his past relationship with Kim Kardashian, revealing that he and Kanye joke about how “he fucked with” her first.

The rapper explained to Complex that he is close with Kanye West, but it was initially awkward when Ye bought up his history with Kardashian.

“Anytime I’ve ever needed Ye, he’s always been there for me. And this is after I’ve disrespected, you know, his marriage at times by saying what me and Kim used to be and all of this stuff. Even Ye would joke about it, and I sit with Ye and he’s like, ‘oh shit. Well damn, you fucked with Kim first’ and I’ll be like, ‘n***a we in a room for of people’, he said.

The interviewer probed The Game for more information about the dynamics of calling Kim Kardashian an ex-girlfriend while being friends with her husband at the time. “Is that awkward for you when that happens?”

The Game replied, “The first time, the first two times it was kind of awkward now it’s just like Ye being honest and it’s all good.”

The Game was specifically asked if “Kanye acknowledged the fact that you guys had dated the same person? Kim?”

“Everybody that you date. If you go outside and meet a girl, she has a history. “She dated somebody. If I seen you with a girl I used to date, the next time I see you, I be like, ‘Yo, Speedy, she like it from the side.’ You feel me? I want to make sure it’s good, that you last in there, you know what I’m sayin’?” He replied.

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Back in 2019, The Game explicitly rapped about having sex with Kim Kardashian, on a song titled ‘Kim Kardashian*’.

“I held Kim Kardashian by the throat, n****. I made her swallow my kids until she choked, n****,” he raps. “I should apologize cause Ye my folks, n****.

The musician has also rapped about making Kylie Jenner “Frosted Flakes” when she woke up.

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