Thin Lizzy guitarist Eric Bell has labelled Metallica “a pack of bastards” after allegedly failing to pay him for a guest appearance over 20 years ago.

If you’re a fan of Metallica, then you would likely know that their rendition of ‘Whiskey In The Jar’ is one of their most beloved cover songs.

An Irish traditional song, the group’s take of the track borrowed heavily from the version recorded by Thin Lizzy back in 1972, and was featured on 1998’s Garage Inc. collection.

When played live, the band were known to go all out with their performance, including an appearance in Dublin back on July 5th, 1999, which saw them bring out a special guest by way of Thin Lizzy guitarist Eric Bell.

Although the performance was something quite special (with the notable inclusion of late Thin Lizzy frontman Phil Lynott’s mother in the audience), Bell claims that it’s not something he looks back on fondly, namely due to the money he is still owed from the show.

Speaking to the Irish Sun, Bell explained that he was flown the UK to Dublin on Metallica’s private jet for the show. While he expected to make £2,000 for the gig, Bell noted that there was no prior agreement on his fee, and claimed that he’s still waiting to see any cash from the show.

“It was about half three in the morning,” he recalled. “The transport was all lined up, and there was a car to take me home.

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“I was quietly expecting about two grand, which wouldn’t have meant a thing to them. But I got handed over a big ball of Metallica t-shirts, key rings and hats. I got paid fuck all. Then they all fucked off.

Check out the 1999 performance of ‘Whiskey In The Jar with Eric Bell:

“It wasn’t until I was sitting in my car on the way home I realised they hadn’t paid me. I thought I’d get something in the post but not a dickie bird. Later somebody tried to get in touch with Metallica to get me something but they found it impossible and they gave up.”

“They are a pack of bastards,” Bell continued. “I couldn’t believe what they did, especially as they are so well off. I should have been paid £2,000 but got fuck all.

“It’s pure ignorance, really. I should have been paid £2,000 at least, but I got fuck all from them.”

In related news, local metalheads were undoubtedly devastated last month to learn that the highly-anticipated tour from the band would not be going ahead as planned.

Originally slated to wrap up today, the band revealed that their upcoming dates would be postponed while frontman James Hetfield entered a treatment program in order to confront his struggles with addiction.

At this stage, there’s no word as to when these dates will be rescheduled, though proposed tourmates Slipknot say they’re hoping to bring their live show down to Australia regardless at a similarly undetermined date.

Check out Metallica covering ‘Whiskey In The Jar’:

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