As part of an ongoing art installation from AnonyMouse, a teensy record store has opened up in Sweden for none other than mice, featuring tiny mice-inspired records.

For quite some time, artist AnonyMouse has been creating little shops tailored towards mice, including a tiny barber, a little club, and even a mini bookshop. Now, they’ve unveiled their latest creation – a record store specifically for mice, aptly named Ricotta Records.

Taking to Instagram, AnonyMouse wrote that the new record store is opened in Nygatan Street in Lund, Sweden. “Swing by and listen to some sweet jazz, pre-order lady gouda’s latest or buy yourself a minidisc,” they wrote.

Complete with teensy, miniature vinyl that is all mouse-themed, like Destiny’s Child being reimagined as “Destiny’s Cheese”, Spice Girls turning into the “Spice Gerbils”, and David Bowie’s Aladdin Sane boasting a mouse with his signature lightening bolt painting on the rodent’s face.

The record store even is complete with mouse-themed gig posters, turning Rage Against The Machine into “Rats Against The Machine”, but keeping Modest Mouse the same, as it already fits the genre perfectly.

To round off the shop, it even has a miniature stage for the touring mice bands to play on, complete with instruments that are just the right size. The mice of Sweden are in for a real treat!

Check out the record store for mice in Sweden:

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english below ___________________________ Hej musikälskare! Vi fortsätter vår vistelse i Lund genom att öppna skivaffär. Kom in och spisa jazz med de andra jazzmössen, smyglyssna på veronica formaggios nya, eller köp en minidisc. Vi vill även passa på att tacka lunds kommun för inbjudan och tilltron till små-småföretagare. ______________________________ Hello music lovers! We continue our stay in Lund by opening a record store. Swing by and listen to some sweet jazz, pre-order lady gouda’s latest or buy yourself a minidisc. We would also like to thank the municipality of Lund for inviting us and encouraging really small business owners. #anonymouse #anonymousemmx #ricottarecords #lund

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english below. Vi har fått in väldigt många bra förslag på skivor som borde finnas hos oss, så nu tänkte vi göra en liten tävling – kom på en artist/skivtitel som skulle passa på Ricotta Records, så väljer vi ut det förslag vi tycker är roligast och gör en riktig (mycket liten) affisch av det, och skickar till personen som kom på den, inramad och allt! inspiration finns på bild 2 i det här inlägget. ___________________________________ We have recieved quite a few tips regarding our inventory, so we figured we’d do a little contest – send us your best suggestion of an artist/album that would be suitable at Ricotta Records. We’ll choose the one we find most entertaining and we’ll make a (very small) poster of it, aaand send it to the person in question, framed and everything! all over the world! you can find some inspiration on page 2 in this post. #anonymouse #anonymousemmx #ricottarecords #lund #streetart #mousehouse

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