We’re week eight (?) into self-isolation, and by now we’re assuming that you’ve progressed past learning the riff of Blink-182’s ‘Dammit’, and are ready to sink your teeth into something meatier. Tool guitarist Adam Jones might just have the answer — the musician has shared a playthrough tutorial of the apocalyptic last verse of ‘Pneuma’ on Instagram.

The close-up video isn’t the easiest to follow, but you have all the time in the world to watch, and rewatch, and watch once more.

“A little Tutorial share. Dressing room guitar lesson of the last verse in #Pneuma made for my guitar friend & supporter @axeofcreation [Gregory Bolomey] while we were on tour (hmm …I can’t remember where we were…),” Jones wrote on Instagram. “440 D dropped on the #nomad • Justin stays on the original riff so there are some nice little conflicting moments between the 2 parts. *Not difficult to play but it’s very satisfying.”

Check it Adam Jones run through ‘Pneuma’ below.

Last month, Tool’s Danny Carey and Justin Chancellor participated in a webinar in collaboration with Berklee College of Music. The seminar also saw Dave Ellegson and Dirk Vebeuren of Megadeth, and Ray Luzier of Korn share their music wisdom.

In Tool-adjacent news, Maynard James Keenan’s band Puscifer will apparently be blessing fans with new music “soon”. The band have begun teasing new material with a few choice audio snippets via their Instagram page.

“Doin Stuff. More details to follow this weekend,” the band shared in an Instagram post. In a follow-up, they wrote, “Round 2 of the Teasing.” Both posts featured the hashtag “#puscifer2020”, with the second featuring the hashtag “#soon”. Puscifer’s last full length album, Money Shot, was released in 2015.

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