Twisted Sister have Clive Palmer in their sights, accusing the controversial Aussie politician of using a re-written version of their song without permission.

Earlier this year, Clive Palmer and his United Australia Party (who claim they want to “make Australia great”) came under fire for using Chumbawamba’s 1997 hit ‘Tubthumping’ in a political advertisement.

The video in question featured a group of men singing the track, and even came to the attention of Chumbawamba themselves, who criticised Palmer’s views, calling him a “Donald Trump-lite egomaniac” in the process.

However, it seems that in much the same way that Donald Trump has been using musician’s songs without permission, so has Clive Palmer, with veteran rockers Twisted Sister digging into the politician on social media.

Back in December, ABC reporter David Weber questioned Twisted Sister in regards to whether they had approved the use of their 1984 song ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ for a recent commercial from Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party.

Seemingly unaware of the situation, Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider chimed in, questioning Palmer’s politics, and explaining that if their views didn’t align, they did not support his use of the song.

“Here’s the bottom line…is he pro-choice? All choices?” Snider questioned. “If he ain’t…he ain’t down with Dee! ‘We’ve got the right to CHOSE and there ain’t no way we’ll lose it! This is our life this is our song!'”

Now, as Blabbermouth points out, members of Twisted Sister have again decried Clive Palmer’s use of the song, with guitarist Jay Jay French and Dee Snider both making their thoughts on the matter quite clear.

“Twisted Sister does not endorse Australian politician Clive Palmer, never heard of him and was never informed of Clive Palmer’s use of a re -written version of our song Were Not Gonna Take It,” French explained.

“We receive no money from its use and we are investigating how we can stop it.”

Likewise, Dee Snider also chimed in, noting if Palmer doesn’t halt the commercial, Snider will be using his upcoming run of Aussie performances to bring legal action against the politician.

“No we do not endorse @PalmerUtdParty [sic]!” Snider explained. “We are contacting our legal team to address this and if that doesn’t work…I’LL BE DOWN UNDER IN THREE WEEKS TO DEAL WITH IT MYSELF!”

“‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ is a song about EVERYONE’S right to free choice,” he continued. “‘We’ve got the right to chose and there ain’t no way we’ll lose it!’ The FIRST LINE of the first verse!”

“Clive Palmer and the @PalmerUtdParty [sic] are NOT pro choice…so THIS AIN’T HIS SONG!”

Clive Palmer and the United Australia Party are yet to respond to Twisted Sister’s opposition of the song’s usage.

Check out Twisted Sister’s ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’:

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