Following the launch of debut single ‘Classic’, which was added to full rotation on triple j less than two weeks after release, Sydney-based collaborative project F-POS has unleashed a powerful visual to further invite fans into their world.
Directed by Rhys Day and shot over three days in three Sydney locations, the clip is inspired by the experience of being a musician in 2020. F-POS members Paddy Cornwall and Taras HrubyJ-Pipe take on alter-egos: Big Boss and Otacon, respectively.
As an evil force takes over the world, Big Boss and Otacon recruit fellow artists Moody Beach and Goldfang with the sole purpose of creating something special enough to break the invisible enemy’s hold on the world – with a little help from a Porsche 944.
Paddy Cornwall AKA Big Boss said of the clip:
“We made the clip the only way we know how: save the world by using a GOLDEN LAZER BEAM.”
Taras HrubyJ-Piper AKA Otacon said:
“Ze idea of ‘Classic’ came about ze way most of our ideas come about: ve get completely naked, put fresh spicy salami und ice into a large tub, and sit in it until ve have visions of vot the clip should be,” said Otacon.
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“Unfortunately, no-one else ever joins me on these excursions, so I go alone… And actually…. come to think of it, I did not come up with ze idea for ‘Classic’ in ze tub… I came up vith nothing unfortunately….. it vas too cold to come up with anything, and I felt ill for eating too much salami.”
“Rhys [Day] worked INCREDIBLY HARD. He vas a consummate professional. My colleagues in the Flimzospitz community in ze German alps would have him shoot a Bavarian Mountain Song any day of ze veek (provided he supplies his own hübleschwanz).”

‘Classic’ video Director Rhys Day said:
“The collaboration between artist and filmmakers on this was really quite intriguing,” he said. “For a start the artists had made music I felt was seeking to them individually, it was music they distilled from deep inside, evoking a very unique perspective of the world. A world that was vibrant, complex and fun.
“Then they allowed me to make the film from my own lens, which has itself and a very distinct voice. I look at this project now and I see and hear a distinct sound and colour, one I am drawn too, and one I believe stands in a very individual spot.”
Following its premiere on triple j’s Home and Hosed program on February 16, it was named Rolling Stone Australia‘s Song You Need to Know thanks to its infectious reggae-influenced vibes.
The track’s featuring artists, Trinidad-born athlete-turned-artist Goldfang and Moody Beach, AKA Sydney-based singer-songwriter Melissah Mirage, both feature in the video.
Goldfang said: “The video shoot was mad I smoked two joints back to back with the turkeys from the shoot. Turns out imma light weight the black turkey was on Percocets and the white turkey was acting like a Karen I don’t remember too much after that.”
Moody Beach said she purposely wore a wig so “my hair didn’t overshadow the boys'”.
“The guys have a real flair for fashion,” she added. “Paddy went to the effort of reaching out to a host of people to source the red leather leotard I wore. #EternallyGrateful.”
Check out F-POS’ visual for their debut single ‘Classic’: