Electronic music duo Breathe Carolina have taken on a Smash Mouth classic, delivering the 20th anniversary remix of ‘All Star’.

Earlier this year, much of the world passed by May 4th as if it were just an ordinary day in the calendar. For those in the know though, it was something of a musical holiday, marking the 20th anniversary of Smash Mouth releasing ‘All Star’.

While the track was first released on their Astro Lounge album, and later appeared on the Mystery Men soundtrack, ‘All Star’ became an iconic piece of pop culture following its appearance on the Shrek soundtrack in 2001.

Since then, Smash Mouth have sadly become something of a meme, with their music forever being linked back to ‘All Star’, while the tune is used as something of a punchline at every turn.

Now though, the band have given us something many thought would never arrive, dishing out the first-ever official remix of the iconic track.

Check out Breathe Carolina’s remix of ‘All Star’:

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Teaming up with electronic duo Breathe Carolina, ‘All Star’ has now been given the royal treatment, being turned into something of a breezy, tropical number thanks to the pair’s summery take on the tune.

“‘All Star’ was a huge part of our early lives; it was such a big song when we were growing up,” Breathe Carolina explained in a statement. “To think that we got to take it and give it a modern twist is so crazy!”

“Over the years, it seems like hundreds of remixes of ‘All Star’ have emerged, and we as a band are flattered and grateful for the love and attention,” Smash Mouth dded.

“We have not commissioned an ‘official’ remix to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our hit ‘All Star’… Until now.

“We are very excited to have such a great artist like Breathe Carolina create this very fresh and inspiring official remix for us. We are big fans of this duo and absolutely love their take on our biggest hit.”

While this is indeed the first official remix of ‘All Star’, fans of Smash Mouth seemed certain last month that the tune was about to be mashed up with Lil Nas X’s ‘Old Town Road’, after the band threw their hat into the ring when the chart-topping musician expressed his desire for a new remix of the track.

Although that never eventuated, fans now have a brand new version of the tune to slip into their party playlists. Revisit the original version below.

Check out ‘All Star’ by Smash Mouth:

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