Charleen McCrory, the widow of late ZZ Top bassist Dusty Hill, has thanks fans for their support following the death of the bassist on July 30 at the age of 72.

McCrory released a statement via ZZ Top’s social media account, where she thanked fans, friends and colleagues for their “overwhelming outpouring of love”.

“After 19 wonderful years of marriage that ended too soon, I’ve decided to step out into Dusty’s spotlight to thank all of his fans, colleagues and friends for the overwhelming outpouring of love for The Dust. It makes me hopeful he will not be forgotten,” she began.

“He was the kindest, most gentle and caring man a woman could ever hope to find in a lifetime. Many don’t believe in fairy tale marriages but Dusty and I truly lived one! We were inseparable.

“He wasn’t supposed to leave me or all of you. That wasn’t the plan he and I had. The plan was for another round of physical therapy, with a different approach, to help his chronic bursitis. The plan was he would return to the second leg of the tour in September.

“Early Wednesday morning my world and yours would lose a great musician and I would lose my greatest love.

“He woke me up and we talked and as he was sweetly chatting with me he suddenly stopped and he was gone in an instant. So, while I feel numb and lost and alone and in a million pieces, I know he will always be with me in my heart and soul and I will join him when the Lord calls me home to be with them.

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She added: “It is my hope you will always keep him in your hearts. He loved his fans and always remembered that without fans music is not heard. So, know he truly appreciated each and every one of you.

“Dusty was an avid tv and movie buff…always quoting lines and so I share an embellished quote from ‘This Is Us’ as my last love letter I send with him to his final resting place.

“My Sweet Dusty,

“The single most extraordinary thing I have ever done in my life is fall in love with you. The single most extraordinary gift I have ever received in my life was for you to ask me to marry you. I have never been seen so completely, loved so passionately and protected so fiercely.

“I will be with you again.

“Love you to infinity and back.

“Your wife, Chuck

“I will lay my husband to rest tomorrow. I would ask that you look to the heavens at noon and wish Dusty Godspeed.

“With great love, respect and appreciation to Dusty’s fans, colleagues and friends,

“Mrs. The Dust”

ZZ Top formed in 1969, with Hill joining the act a year later in 1970. The band cut their debut record, ZZ Top’s First Album, in 1971.

Over the next 50 years, bassist Hill, singer-guitarist Gibbons, and drummer Beard would go on to release fifteen records.

For more on this topic, head over to the Classic Rock Observer.

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