Look, we were as shocked as you were when Staind frontman Aaron Lewis weaseled his way into the news again earlier this month. It had, in the words of Lewis himself, been a while since we’d heard from the post-grunge troubadour, and after hearing what the well-known conservative had to say, it became clear as to why the artist had faded into total obscurity.
Now, Lewis has made another rather interesting comments at a recent show, comparing Limp Bizkit’s lead singer Fred Durst to the Dalai Lama.
After performing the track ‘Epiphany’, Lewis went on to worship Durst’s genius in directing the video for the track saying,“You know we spent – well we didn’t. Well we did – but Fred spent like a million and a half dollars on that fucking video. Dumb shit. There’s so many ways I could have spent that money.”
Limp Bizkit’s genius has been unappreciated terribly over the years, so it’s good to see Lewis giving the mu-metal God credit where it’s due.
After, a fan in the audience yelled out, “Fred’s an asshole,” to which Lewis immediately replied, “No, Fred’s the whole reason I’m sitting in front of you tonight. And I gotta say that at this point in my life I call Fred when I need like Dalai Lama advice, for real.”
He continued to discuss how “fucking awesome” Durst is, noting that the first time he met the rap-metal beast he “offended his ass bad”.
“Fred is fucking awesome, he really is. He blows my mind every fucking time I talk to him. He does. I’m very thankful. I’m thankful that after… Honestly after I offended the fuck out of him, cause I did. The first time we ever met I offended his ass bad, and I’m very grateful that he was able to get past that… every time I hear someone yell something back about Fred I want to just like screech to a halt and be like ‘What?’”
Check out the video below:
Watch: Aaron Lewis live @ VA Beach

“That is the reason I’m here. I’d have given up a long time ago I think and I probably would have written songs that made my kids laugh and I would have been okay with that. Fred is the reason that I’m here So any fucking hate that you may harbor in your heart for no reason whatsoever, because you don’t even know the boy, let it go. He’s alright in my book.”
If you need even more proof in thinking that Fred Durst may actually be a deity, Lewis outlined Durst’s generosity after the Californian wildfires.
“So this is what kind of motherfucker he is. Did any of you know that he lost everything in that West Coast fire that just happened? Everything. Everything. He drove his Harley Davidson away from his house because he couldn’t even get his car out of the garage.
That’s what kind of motherfucker he is. You don’t know that. Nobody knows that. He lost everything in that fire. So, don’t hate on a motherfucker.”
Stained feat. Fred Durst – Outside