Hot off the heels of the release of their latest album, Power Up, lead singer of Australian rock band AC/DC, Angus Young, has shared which of the band’s 17 studio albums that he is most proud of.
Acca Dacca has been in the game for a while, namely four and a half decades, so they obviously have a huge range of albums to choose from. However, when Young chatted with Swiss publication SRF 3, it was a no brainer as to which album he thinks represents their peak.
“The reason why I like Let There Be Rock is because my brother, George [Young], who was producing it, when he said to us at the beginning, when we were making that record, he had me and Malcolm [Young], and he was sitting with us and he said, ‘What sort of album do you wanna do this time?’
“And Malcolm just looked at me, and he said, ‘We just want an album that’s just gonna be pure hard rock guitar’.”
“And I thought it was great, because everyone else in the world was into whole other genres – there was punk music, there was new wave; it was all this other stuff that was coming out – and I just thought, ‘This is pure magic’.
And that album defined AC/DC in my eyes. That’s when I went, ‘This is a great band.’”
In all fairness, if one were to crown the best rock’n’roll band of all time, it would be a crime against humanity not to throw AC/DC’s name into the mix. So, it’s with great relief, that we share that Young also threw in a teaser about an upcoming tour during his chat.
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“Well, Power-Up is just a short chore [sic] for the virus, then we’ll get through this and that will kickstart, you know, and we’ll get out there and we can start touring and letting you hear what we’ve done live,” he said.
Watch the whole interview below: