Despite A$AP Rocky announcing his hopes to perform at the Swedish prison he was previously held at, the potential concert has now been nixed by prison officials.

Back in July, the world of music looked on while US rapper A$AP Rocky was placed in detention in Sweden, with he and his crew having been accused of assaulting a man in Stockholm.

Soon, Swedish officials placed the rapper in detention while they charged him with assault, and investigated the matter thoroughly.

During this time, we saw A$AP Rocky’s manager raided, we saw a dedicated fan threaten to blow up the Swedish embassy in the US, and we even saw President Donald Trump get involved.

Thankfully, it all culminated in the musician’s release earlier back in August, though a Swedish court later found the artist guilty of the assault.

Last week though, A$AP Rocky revealed that he was set to head back to Sweden to perform a concert on December 11th, with proceeds going to FARR, the Swedish Network of Refugee Support Groups

“When I was in Sweden I met so many people like myself,” he explained. “All of those immigrants really didn’t have the support that they needed.

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“Me, being a celebrity, I had worldwide coverage, we had the American embassy. These people comes from countries where they don’t have help. I just felt like I wanted to give back.”

At the same time, Rocky explained that he would be eager to perform a gig for the inmates in the prison he had been held at, though he admitted he had some reservations as to whether it would be allowed.

Now, as the Associated Press reports, A$AP Rocky has had his formal request for the jailhouse concert knocked back, with Vilhelm Grevik of Sweden’s Prison and Probation Service citing “logistical and security issues” as the reason for the denial.

As TMZ adds though, the written request asked for a hefty list of people allowed into the prison, including a DJ, 11 performers and crew members, along with a five-person camera crew to document the performance.

With that in mind, the refusal makes a little more sense, though we do have to wonder what a performance from A$AP Rocky would have looked like in such a venue.

Check out ‘Babushka Boi’ by A$AP Rocky:

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