A judge has denied Britney Spears’ plea to immediately remove her father, Jamie Spears, as her conservator.

According to Los Angeles court documents, judge Brenda Penny denied Britney’s new lawyer Mathew Rosengart’s request to immediately lift the conservatorship “without prejudice”.

Penny also denied the request to move the scheduled September 29 hearing to this month.

Spears’ legal team filed for Jamie’s immediate removal, noting that allowing Jamie to continue to serve as conservator was “avoidable harm.”

“Ms. Spears’s emotional health and wellbeing must be, and are, the paramount concern,” the musician’s defense wrote.

“Further, all interested parties forcefully agree that Mr. Spears’s continued presence as Conservator of the Estate is contrary to Ms. Spears’s best interests, health, and wellbeing, and that his prompt removal — or, at the very least, his immediate suspension — is ‘critical’ at this juncture.”

Mathew Rosengart was appointed as Spears’ new counsel in July, following the explosive court testimony she gave Los Angeles Superior Court on June 23rd. During the testimony, Spears’ claimed that she “didn’t know [she] could petition the conservatorship to be ended.”

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Following the court’s decision, Spears’ took to Instagram to write that she felt “completely hopeless” and would be avoiding social media. “In a system where I’ve felt completely hopeless for so long, at least I do have a platform to share. The world can be a nasty place … I know it … you know it … kill them with kindness,” she wrote.

“Unfortunately the news has been pretty nasty saying horrible and mean lies about me so I’m gonna post a little less from now on. TA TA.”

Earlier this week, Jamie Spears’ alleged in court documents that Britney’s personal conservator, Jodie Montgomery, called him on July 9th to express her fears about the musician’s mental health.

“Mr Spears received a call from Ms Montgomery on July 9, 2021, in which she sounded very distraught, expressed concern about Ms Spears’ recent behaviour and her refusal to listen to or even see her doctors,” lawyers for Jamie Spears claimed in the filing obtained by Fox News.

Jamie claims that Montgomery “pleaded for Mr Spears’ help to address these issues.” The filing detailed that his “sole motivation has been his unconditional love for his daughter and a fierce desire to protect her from those trying to take advantage of her” and that Jamie believes his daughter’s alleged medical treatment is “indeed serious.”

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