Eddie Vedder has opened up about his recent stint at a vocal health clinic during Pearl Jam’s recent show at the O2 Arena in the UK. According to Alternative Nation, during the show, Eddie discussed visiting a voice doctor, in which he asked if he could be given the voice of Adele.
“He was checking me and I said I would give him £10,000 to give me a voice like Adele,” said Vedder, to which the doctor replied, “that is a million dollar voice but for 59 quid I can make you sound like Liam Gallagher.”
Ed responded to the claims humorously, saying he’d rather have Liam Galagher’s looks than vocal abilities. “Look, I am joking. I know Liam and he is a tough guy from a tough town and he can take it. Besides, it would take £100,000 to get me to look like him.”
“Anyway the sad songs will sound sadder and the angry songs will sound angrier tonight. But who needs a singer when you’ve got Matt Cameron behind you? And Mike McCready, Stone Gossard.”
Eddie may not be the only rocker facing vocal concerns, with concerned fans taking to Reddit to share their worries for Dave Grohl’s vocal health.
“As great as the show was, it’s fair to say that the set is now geared around preservation – from the sharing of vocal duties with Taylor & Chris, to the drum solo break, to the extended instrumentals of all the major hits. He’s even toned down the screaming now (unless the song calls for it), opting for a ‘woooo!’ instead.”
Eddie Vedder recently shared that he’d reunited the cameraman who once saved his life from a death-defying stage dive in Amsterdam. Vedder revealed that he believed the camera-man to be “pissed” at him for putting his life at risk, however revealed that
“So when we were in Amsterdam the other night I met a local and asked if there was any way to find him. And we did! And he’s here, he retired in January.”
“Here is the thing, he told me a completely different story than I had in my mind this whole time. I thought he was so angry at me, but he was having other guys hold that thing to hold the back, the ballast, otherwise when I jumped on and we just would have gone down. So he wasn’t yelling at me, but to other guys to hold us up.”
Watch Pearl Jam perform ‘Long Road’ in Amsterdam: