You know you’ve written a hit when it immediately draws comparisons to Olivia Rodrigo. That’s what happened to rising star Lauren Spencer-Smith thanks to her heartbreaking song ‘Fingers Crossed’. 

A hugely emotional dissection of the end of a relationship, the single’s found favour with audiences around the world, becoming a top 20 hit in the U.S., Australia, and Canada.

Featuring a mature outlook and loss and love, like Rodrigo, Spencer-Smith is strikingly young: still only 18-years-old, her songwriting strength belies her youth.

Born in England but hailing from Vancouver Island, Canada, the singer first came to prominence as a contestant on American Idol‘s 18th season (aged just 16 at the time).

Although she only reached the top 20 of the competition, it’s not impacted her continued success. Several singles fared well, before ‘Fingers Crossed’ really blew up: it went viral on TikTok, not bad for a self-released song.

We caught up with the singer as part of our popular Get To Know series to find out more about her life and career.

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Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re about?

A lot of my songs such as ‘Fingers Crossed’ and ‘Flowers’ (upcoming) are reflection pieces. I’ve found a happy relationship and I am currently treated well, and it has made me reflect back on my past relationships and encounters with people and see how I was treated then. My writing reflects that.

What do you love about your hometown?

I love the support of my hometown and the natural environment there is beautiful, including the mountains and lakes! I love hiking there.

Career highlight so far?

My career highlight so far has probably been seeing how supportive my fans are and them understanding what I wrote my songs about. People relate and I’m not alone in this world and it’s incredible to feel so much love and support from millions of people.

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Fave non-music hobby?

I always make the joke that I have no time for non-music hobbies, but I love to cook and workout!

What’s on your dream rider?

I’m a very simple girl and I only need some room temperature water.

Dream music collaboration?

Julia Michaels.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In ten years I see myself still creating music that people can connect with and inspiring people to grow and continue to be the best version of themselves mentally and physically. I would love to start a charity or organization for safe adoption centres in third world countries or helping families in poverty and young kids eat nutritious food, play sports and more.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

‘Someone Like You’ by Adele.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

The only person who is stopping you from achieving your goals is you. If you want something you need to go out, wake up early and make it happen.

What’s one obsession you have that no one would guess after listening to your music?

I am obsessed with ketchup!

How would you describe your music to your grandma?

Hey grandma, you would have loved my music after your divorce. Sad breakup anthems will help you heal and come to the realization that you deserve better!

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