While the flood of tributes that have poured in for Chris Cornell have all been moving in their own way, it’s those that have come from the musicians he worked with that hit closest to home, and the latest is an open letter written by Linkin Park frontman and friend of Cornell, Chester Bennington.
Shared with Cornell’s fans on his Facebook page, the letter gives a glimpse into the impact the Soundgarden frontman’s tragic death continues to have on Bennington – who performed at Cornell’s funeral – and will continue to have as the weeks and months go on.
I dreamt about the Beatles last night. I woke up with Rocky Raccoon playing in my head and a concerned look on my wife’s face. She told me my friend had just passed away. Thoughts of you flooded my mind and I wept.
I’m still weeping, with sadness, as well as gratitude for having shared some very special moments with you and your beautiful family. You have inspired me in many ways you could never have known. Your talent was pure and unrivaled. Your voice was joy and pain, anger and forgiveness, love and heartache all wrapped up into one.
I suppose that’s what we all are. You helped me understand that. I just watched a video of you singing “A Day In The Life” by the Beatles and thought of my dream. I’d like to think you were saying goodbye in your own way. I can’t imagine a world without you in it. I pray you find peace in the next life. I send my love to your wife and children, friends and family.
Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life.
With all my love.
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Your friend,
Memories of the singer have been shared by countless other musicians in the weeks following his death by suicide, from former Audioslave bandmate Tom Morello to rapper Ice-T and his band Body Count, whose bassist was working as Soundgarden’s guitar tech on what would become Cornell’s final tour.
While Cornell’s wife Vicky points to side effects from medication as the cause of Cornell’s suicide, the coroner has ruled out drugs as having played a part in his death.
If you or somebody you care for needs help or information about depression, suicide, anxiety, or mental health issues, contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.