If anyone is looking to get their hands on the Ozzy Osbourne album early, now is your golden chance. What will it cost you? Just a small bit of permanent ink on your body for the rest of your life. No biggy.

If you’ve ever been itching to get a shiny black tat of Ozzy Osbourne the Prince of Darkness, now is the perfect opportunity for you to do so. If you get some Ozzy inspired ink, you can be granted access to hear his new album Ordinary Man ahead of its official release.

On Thursday, Feb. 20, tattoo shops in over 50 cities around the world, including New York, London, and Toronto, will hold an album listening event where customers can get exclusive designs tattooed on them. Participation is first-come, first-serve. The time of the event and the prices depend on the city. All of the details will be revealed Thursday, Feb. 13 at 8 am PT.

Check to see which tattoo shops are hosting the event in each city here.

This event will give Osbourne’s fans the opportunity to listen to his upcoming 17th solo album — featuring the songs ‘Under the Graveyard’ and ‘Ordinary Man’ — a day prior to its release.

The legendary metal prince announced his rescheduled 2020 tour dates with Marilyn Manson over the fall.

You can check out the official tweet from Ozzy Osbourne below.

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In recent Ozzy news, the musician was spotted on the face of a brand new PETA ad on the subject of cat declawing.

The PETA ad depicts the Prince of Darkness with his fingers amputated and bloody. The tagline reads, “Never Declaw a Cat. It’s an Amputation, Not a Manicure.”

As a press release from PETA explained, “When cats are declawed, their claws and part of their toes are amputated. Veterinarians equate declawing with cutting off the last bone in a human’s finger, often causing nerve damage, infection, and immense pain.”

“Amputating a cat’s toes is twisted and wrong,” said Osbourne in a statement via PETA. “If your couch is more important to you than your cat’s health and happiness, you don’t deserve to have an animal! Get cats a scratching post — don’t mutilate them for life.”

You can read that full story here.

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